Because I can't get my ass up to write about the last week I present some stuff from right this day.
At first, I'm really pissed of that the american wireless is so slow. It doesn't depend on the WLAN because all networks I tried are that slow. It's really boring to watch videos or even to listen to some onlinemusic. So while the video is loading I have some time to write some lines. I found some music on the borought notebook. It's almost 3 to five years ago that I listened to Subway to Sally - Julia und die Räuber:
Nicht dass die Band nicht mehr tolle Lieder auf Lager hätte - aber Placebo ist hier auch auf dem Rechner, und da kann ich dann natürlich nicht widerstehen, zumal ich jetzt endlich mein 5.1-headset angeschlossen habe - mit Surround und ordentlichem Subwoofer flattert's da bis in die letzten Gehirnwinkel, WAHNSINN :))
But now back to the roots: New York :D
Today there's AC/DC playing at Madison's Square Garden. Well, once in the lifetime you shoud have visited a concert powered by AC/DC, I think. The performance is great, some other interns told us newbees. But after looking up the prices I had to think about it again. $70 one ticket, last row in the auditorium. That's not worth it I said to me. Well, and I think I was right. If the first salary not arrives till friday I would be out of money. I mean, totally out of money. No liquid credit line, no backups, nothing to sell (at any rate nothing that I own ^^). Out of money means, no food, no busticket to work, that means especially no money, that means - you know ;-)
Ok, so I klicked from page to page, arrived at and logged in to my profile. One possibility on this page is, to inform about concerts in the area you live. Well - one is Nada Surf this weekend - for $20. Nice band, nice price. So let's see if I can get some tickets :)
Ok, at this point I want to introduce some of the NYMs - the newyorkian musicians (Anm. d. Red. *gg* Achja - bitte laut mitsprechen: "newyorkian musicians" Zwecks Verbesserung der Aussprache und so, ihr wisst schon *hihi*) But more important than the spelling is the music they make. In nearly every subway station somebody sits and makes music - sometimes mehr schlecht als recht, but sometimes they are great performers - like in the following vid:
It's difficult to decide wether to spend some money or not. In most cases the wallet decides, but sometimes they make such a great performance that is doesn't matters. I will try to catch some more impressions. One girl told me (here name is Sina "Hallo Sina :-*") there's a man, running through NY in underpants and playing the guitar. I have to say that i never met him, but maybe somebody is so nice to post the video - I'm a bit to tired to start a search. Thank you so much :-*
Stay informed :)
Nachtrag: folgendes hab ich beim prae-zubettgehen-im-netz-stöbern noch gefunden :-))
At first, I'm really pissed of that the american wireless is so slow. It doesn't depend on the WLAN because all networks I tried are that slow. It's really boring to watch videos or even to listen to some onlinemusic. So while the video is loading I have some time to write some lines. I found some music on the borought notebook. It's almost 3 to five years ago that I listened to Subway to Sally - Julia und die Räuber:
Nicht dass die Band nicht mehr tolle Lieder auf Lager hätte - aber Placebo ist hier auch auf dem Rechner, und da kann ich dann natürlich nicht widerstehen, zumal ich jetzt endlich mein 5.1-headset angeschlossen habe - mit Surround und ordentlichem Subwoofer flattert's da bis in die letzten Gehirnwinkel, WAHNSINN :))
But now back to the roots: New York :D
Today there's AC/DC playing at Madison's Square Garden. Well, once in the lifetime you shoud have visited a concert powered by AC/DC, I think. The performance is great, some other interns told us newbees. But after looking up the prices I had to think about it again. $70 one ticket, last row in the auditorium. That's not worth it I said to me. Well, and I think I was right. If the first salary not arrives till friday I would be out of money. I mean, totally out of money. No liquid credit line, no backups, nothing to sell (at any rate nothing that I own ^^). Out of money means, no food, no busticket to work, that means especially no money, that means - you know ;-)
Ok, so I klicked from page to page, arrived at and logged in to my profile. One possibility on this page is, to inform about concerts in the area you live. Well - one is Nada Surf this weekend - for $20. Nice band, nice price. So let's see if I can get some tickets :)
Ok, at this point I want to introduce some of the NYMs - the newyorkian musicians (Anm. d. Red. *gg* Achja - bitte laut mitsprechen: "newyorkian musicians" Zwecks Verbesserung der Aussprache und so, ihr wisst schon *hihi*) But more important than the spelling is the music they make. In nearly every subway station somebody sits and makes music - sometimes mehr schlecht als recht, but sometimes they are great performers - like in the following vid:
It's difficult to decide wether to spend some money or not. In most cases the wallet decides, but sometimes they make such a great performance that is doesn't matters. I will try to catch some more impressions. One girl told me (here name is Sina "Hallo Sina :-*") there's a man, running through NY in underpants and playing the guitar. I have to say that i never met him, but maybe somebody is so nice to post the video - I'm a bit to tired to start a search. Thank you so much :-*
Stay informed :)
Nachtrag: folgendes hab ich beim prae-zubettgehen-im-netz-stöbern noch gefunden :-))
Oooh, muss ich denn jetzt alles in Slang lesen??? Whats about the form of expression?? Ich weiss gar nicht ob ich das durchhalte. Aber doch: schöne Musik und dein Bild strahlt ja optimistisch herüber.Congratulations!
Bleib dran! Ich beantrage einen Extrablogeintrag für Thanksgiving!!
Wenn du schon eine superlanges Wochenende hast, laß deine Leser daran teilhaben!. LG P.
Witzig! Zwischen der einmaligen Chance AC/DC live zu sehen, und dem scheinbar arg dringenden Stoffwechselbedürfnis deinerseits, entscheidest du dich für Nada Surf! Bin gespannt, wann du dich zwischen Martini und Tia Carrere für einen nächtlichen Spaziergang durch Brooklyn entscheidest ;)
Musste ich die Tia doch erstmal wikipedien ;)
Sie scheint ja ihre beste Zeit auch hinter sich zu haben - der Filmografie nach zu urteilen ^^
Also definitiv Martini, welchen ich hier btw noch nicht entdeckt habe :(
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