Last week was very interesting. I did some things I's done never before - in NY ^^
At first, I cleaned some clothings because I ran off of clean panties, socks and such stuff. So I started to look for a laundromat with self-service. I found one at 86th/Columbus Ave. I went there one evening after work and made the experience that it's possible to be an american unable to speak english. Well, my spoken one is not the best, too bus this of the guy in the laundromat was horrible - to put it buntly, the number of words he was able to pronounce in english was about four This four words were: What, do, you and mean. But I figured out that you have to pay in quarter-coins, specificly 16 quarters per machine - no credit-cards or bills accepted. Yeah, I left the store wishing him all the best for his future (even if he was not able to understand it ^^) and gave the stuff to the chinese laundromat in my street, West 85th :) 1pd, $6 that was worth it, because when I arrive from work at about 7:30PM most of the self-laundromats are closed.
On friday I signed in to the gym at MBUSA. It's awesome. You just need some shoes - all the other stuff you pay about $11 per 2 weeks. This includes T-Shirt, pants, socks, towels, shower, shower-gel, cream, and the use of the gym. I think the price is better then the one of germany's McFit :D So I started to burn the first 400cal in 40 minutes by ryding the bike. On monday I will get an introduction to all the sports equipment. It will be a very short week just till wednesday because on thursday there's Thanksgiving and on friday is the day after Thanksgiving *gg*
On wednesday eve we will discover some new bars in manhattan like we did last night. we found something like a Hartz-IV-bar on 42th/9th Avenue. One beer (0.4l) was $2,50 and hot Dogs were for free. It was a nice location with interesting people and good music, even if it was a bit to loud. After this we went into another club, called Zansibar. I decided to drink nothing because there a beer was about $7, a Gin-Tonic for example costs $10. And I had to spent about $60 to start to like the music. Today I was very happy that I saved the money, because on my way through Manhattan I discovered a new shop, called Filene's Basement.

They sold different clothes, stuff for the bathroom and for traveling (da fallen mir an dieser Stelle die Durchsagen in den nur noch selten fahrenden ICEs ein: Thänk yu for träwölling wis deutsche bahn *hihi*) with a discount of up to 70%. The last two weeks I was looking for something like a business-pant because I have just one with me in the USA and you are just allowed to wear jeans on the so called causal friday. So I bought a pant and a new shirt (compatible to the pant I thought, and my roommate agreed to my opinion after she looked into my bags after coming home - that made me a bit proud because sometimes I have some really small problems to match colors as some of you might remember ;-)).
Furthermore I bought some earlaps. That's pretty nice, because everytime I use one of my caps my hair looks really confused. But my hair is that plump that I just need something to warm my ears. I thought about buying a headset produced by Bose, but this is not possible during the next month because of not existing money :( So earlaps are a good alternative :-) They had a lot of nice caps there, too - but I was not able to decide which one I like most, so I bought none of them. Maybe I will take the guys visiting me on christmas and new year to this store to give me some advise (Hi there guys ;-) ). And for the first time i had some kebab from a guy selling it on the street - like on every corner in the town. It was very tasty - see the following foto:

On thursday I had the most funniest workday ever. I registered for a class called Introduction to Cognos. Cognos is a web-based controlling tool. The description sound interesting, I think that maybe one day I could use the stuff you learn thereand it was also sponsored by MBUSA and so I decided to take part on this event (more classes will follow the next weeks ;) ) We were three people. One from Washingto, he was the supervisor of some dealers in this area, one from a team working on a similar stuff like my team (the same day I arranged a meeting with him during the next 2 weeks to learn more about his work :) ) We had so much fun together on joking around, listening to crazy storys from the work with the dealers and company-members - it was just amazing. Besides we were working very hard so that I could take the bus at 4:15PM instead of the one at 5:30PM ;) - first time since I'm in the US btw :)
The ride is another one then the one at 5:30PM so that I was remembered by this advertisement that the recession already arrived in NY:

As response I would quote Funny van Dannen with Kleine geile Firmen:
To come to an end I want to present a new subway-video. I filmed it at 34th St - Herald Square Station. The woman you can see in the video (if you turn your head to the left - sorry, but I'm not able to rotate it because therefor I need a good computer) was singing some great songs - this one is Michael Jackson as you would discover by yourself of cause, too ;-)
She had some more great songs from other famous songwriters, too - but this is the only one i filmed. Have fun with it:
At first, I cleaned some clothings because I ran off of clean panties, socks and such stuff. So I started to look for a laundromat with self-service. I found one at 86th/Columbus Ave. I went there one evening after work and made the experience that it's possible to be an american unable to speak english. Well, my spoken one is not the best, too bus this of the guy in the laundromat was horrible - to put it buntly, the number of words he was able to pronounce in english was about four This four words were: What, do, you and mean. But I figured out that you have to pay in quarter-coins, specificly 16 quarters per machine - no credit-cards or bills accepted. Yeah, I left the store wishing him all the best for his future (even if he was not able to understand it ^^) and gave the stuff to the chinese laundromat in my street, West 85th :) 1pd, $6 that was worth it, because when I arrive from work at about 7:30PM most of the self-laundromats are closed.
On friday I signed in to the gym at MBUSA. It's awesome. You just need some shoes - all the other stuff you pay about $11 per 2 weeks. This includes T-Shirt, pants, socks, towels, shower, shower-gel, cream, and the use of the gym. I think the price is better then the one of germany's McFit :D So I started to burn the first 400cal in 40 minutes by ryding the bike. On monday I will get an introduction to all the sports equipment. It will be a very short week just till wednesday because on thursday there's Thanksgiving and on friday is the day after Thanksgiving *gg*
On wednesday eve we will discover some new bars in manhattan like we did last night. we found something like a Hartz-IV-bar on 42th/9th Avenue. One beer (0.4l) was $2,50 and hot Dogs were for free. It was a nice location with interesting people and good music, even if it was a bit to loud. After this we went into another club, called Zansibar. I decided to drink nothing because there a beer was about $7, a Gin-Tonic for example costs $10. And I had to spent about $60 to start to like the music. Today I was very happy that I saved the money, because on my way through Manhattan I discovered a new shop, called Filene's Basement.
They sold different clothes, stuff for the bathroom and for traveling (da fallen mir an dieser Stelle die Durchsagen in den nur noch selten fahrenden ICEs ein: Thänk yu for träwölling wis deutsche bahn *hihi*) with a discount of up to 70%. The last two weeks I was looking for something like a business-pant because I have just one with me in the USA and you are just allowed to wear jeans on the so called causal friday. So I bought a pant and a new shirt (compatible to the pant I thought, and my roommate agreed to my opinion after she looked into my bags after coming home - that made me a bit proud because sometimes I have some really small problems to match colors as some of you might remember ;-)).
Furthermore I bought some earlaps. That's pretty nice, because everytime I use one of my caps my hair looks really confused. But my hair is that plump that I just need something to warm my ears. I thought about buying a headset produced by Bose, but this is not possible during the next month because of not existing money :( So earlaps are a good alternative :-) They had a lot of nice caps there, too - but I was not able to decide which one I like most, so I bought none of them. Maybe I will take the guys visiting me on christmas and new year to this store to give me some advise (Hi there guys ;-) ). And for the first time i had some kebab from a guy selling it on the street - like on every corner in the town. It was very tasty - see the following foto:
On thursday I had the most funniest workday ever. I registered for a class called Introduction to Cognos. Cognos is a web-based controlling tool. The description sound interesting, I think that maybe one day I could use the stuff you learn thereand it was also sponsored by MBUSA and so I decided to take part on this event (more classes will follow the next weeks ;) ) We were three people. One from Washingto, he was the supervisor of some dealers in this area, one from a team working on a similar stuff like my team (the same day I arranged a meeting with him during the next 2 weeks to learn more about his work :) ) We had so much fun together on joking around, listening to crazy storys from the work with the dealers and company-members - it was just amazing. Besides we were working very hard so that I could take the bus at 4:15PM instead of the one at 5:30PM ;) - first time since I'm in the US btw :)
The ride is another one then the one at 5:30PM so that I was remembered by this advertisement that the recession already arrived in NY:
As response I would quote Funny van Dannen with Kleine geile Firmen:
To come to an end I want to present a new subway-video. I filmed it at 34th St - Herald Square Station. The woman you can see in the video (if you turn your head to the left - sorry, but I'm not able to rotate it because therefor I need a good computer) was singing some great songs - this one is Michael Jackson as you would discover by yourself of cause, too ;-)
She had some more great songs from other famous songwriters, too - but this is the only one i filmed. Have fun with it:
1 comment:
$11 für 2 wochen? da bin ich neidisch!!! ich hab die wahl zwischen einem überfüllten und weitentferntem studenten gym für nur ein bisschen mehr geld oder einem professionellen gym für wahnsinnig mehr geld.
die machen das einem nicht einfach, fit zu bleiben!
ich seh schon, auch du hast problem, manch eingesessenen zu verstehen! hier gibts auch eine randgruppe, die sich nur schwer für ausländer verständlich artikulieren kann. Iren! die nuscheln nur und sind nicht in der lage, die lippen zu benutzen... ich glaube, ich bin nur den falschen begegnet bisher!
der schnee hier hat sich schon wieder verflüchtigt. das ist wohl lediglich eine nächtliche erscheinung!
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