Yesterday in the evening, I was so tired that I decided to go to bed right after coming home at about 10pm.
The next day, saturday, I slept till 10am, then I woke up by the alarm-clock. But, right, I stayed in my bed, like the weekend before - no motivation to move ^^
There was so much rain outside that I was not sure if I really want to go out - to the beach. But after a nice smalltalk via ITzeKuhI kicked me out of my bed, had some cornflakes (without milk, because milk was off :( ), a shower, packed my backpack with a towel, a camera and a book and started the day.
That was my first goal: The beach of the atlantic ocean.
Größere Kartenansicht
It took me about an hour to reach it via the express-subway, train A. But it was worth it. I had time to read my book - The last lecture by Randy Pausch. A fascinating book with so many truths and pieces of wisdom - it's a totally exciting book. After the arrival I saw on the right side the beach, on the other side some houses. I was really hungry, but i decided to go at first to the beach, because it was nearly 4pm, not so much time to the darkness because of the unpresent sun. It was such a long time ago that I saw the beach and the waves... I was the only person there - it was very windy, but not that cold. There were so big scallops (Muscheln) which I've never seen before :-o
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2008-11-15 Beach |
Here's a short impression of the beach:
After the walk along the beach I went to "town" and stopped at a supermarket. There I was really surprised because the prices for food were so much lower than the one in Manhattan :-| Cheese slides were $1 compared to $5. Salad and most of the other stuff was cheaper, too. So I bought some cheese and 3 bagel for $1 and had lunch on my way to the subway station.
After 1.5 hours I arrived at 158 Bleecker Street. There was a beautiful concert of The Calder Quartet and Andrew W. K. in the club Le Poisson Rouge. the mixture of modern classic and hand made rock was overwhelming. It was great to listen to Andrew W. K. who is a freak in playing the piano, drums and in singing, crying and dancing - most of this at the same time. His song I love NYC is my new Ohrwurm ;-) It was performed together with the Calder Quartet- first time ever. And it was really exciting. I found the song with a good quality:
I don't have so much (good) pictures because the concert was so great that I had no time for more :D
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2008-11-15 The Calder Quartet feat. Andrew W. K |
Und zum Schluss noch kurz das Pogramm :)
- The Tone Cluster C#, D, D#, E. F. and F#
'Let Us Get Physical' - AWK with TCQ - Interface (Tristan Perich) - TCQ
- Brandenburg Hej Hej Hej (J. S. Bach, AWK) - AWK
- Honey Flyers I - III (Christine Southworth) - TCQ with Bot(i)Cello
- Company I - IV (Philip Glass) - TCQ
- Spontaneous Improvisations - AWK with Bot(i)Cello
- I get wet
Party Hard
I Love New York City
Dance Party - 4'33 I - III (John Cage) - AWK with TCQ
Ey Digger, du könntest ruhig ma n bissl grinsen auf deinen Bildern! Schließlich bist du in NYC - und ich in Magdebuuuuurg :P
Zur Aufgabe: Party Hard! 100% XD
hihi, da magste wohl recht haben mit dem Grinsen - dafuer tu ichs jetzt ueber beide Ohren :DD
Hey DiGGA denk ma PLZ an die Mail für Doreen mit Meinungen zu den Schläppies ;) Sie will sich den diese Woche hol'n und is schon janz traurig, dass du sie ignorierst!
Hello stranger!
"Was, wer bist du denn?" war mein erster Gedanke. Ich hab ein bisschen gebrauct, bis ich verstanden habe, wer borni ist! =)
Sehr cool! Kann dir gleich melden, dass ich dein nächster Stammkunde hier sein werde! Ich wünschte ich könnte einen Trip nach NY finanzieren (frühestens in 17 jahren). Dann hättest du mich sonst gleich am Hals. Viel Spaß!
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