First time I made it by myself. I tasted it in Ulm when I was invented to my american neighboors Meg and Patrick. Today i had a day off because of Day After Thanksgiving (and yesterday, too because of Thanksgiving (an update on this day is in progress)) So I decided to drive to Harlem to find the cheap grocery store. But I was not able to locate it, so I went back to 86th/Brdwy and checked out Gricedes. It was as cheap as I read in my new book "Broke-Ass Stuart's Guide to Living Cheaply in New York". And so I bought sugar, foul, apples, pie-paste, milk and some salad because I needed more cheap stuff for my sandwiches ;)
After arriving at home I found out, that there is no springform in the household. So I left the house again and went downtown to find a hardware-store. After I reached 72th street without any usefull store I toke the express-train north to walk the Broadway down from uptown. The moment I left the subway station I saw a big hardware-shop with a very friendly salesman. Five minutes later I had a re-usable pie-springform and some shoe-polish. Back at home I started my first american baker-experience:

I've to say that it was very very delicious to taste the filling. It was undescribable appetezingly. I made it with sugar, foul, cinnamon (Zimt) and thinly slided apples *mjam*
This was the situation before the 30 minutes in the gas oven:

And that's the result:

Well, I can't say how it tastes because I want to try it together with my roommate, who has birthday today but didn't showed up this day - not when I was at home, anyway. So I give her a last try tomorrow. If she's not there until I come back in the evening, I will eat it all alone - I'm really looking forward to it ;)
Earlier this day I went to the Museum of Modern Arts because every friday you can go in for free between 4pm and 8pm. But as I arrived at 5pm there was such a crowd in front of the entrance that I moved 180° right and went back to the city. The whole city was flooded by thousends of people with cameras, black-friday-shopping-bags, standing around on the sidewalks, the streets -just everywhere. It was horrible. So i decided to try two other locations which were mentioned in the book. One I will write about later, exactly when I used the thing I bought there, the second one was a small bookstore at 81th/Brdwy. It was filled over and over with used books. The room was as high as 2 floors and all walls were covered with books. Right at the entrance I saw J. R. R. Tolkin's book "The Return of the King". In the end I didn't bought, because I couldn't find the other two books from The Lord of the Rings. So I spent 8 bucks for The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. I think I should read a short description of the last mentioned book first because seems to be not that easy to read and understand it in english. But if I read everytime I'm pissed off of the people standing around in da hood I will get it *rofl*
After arriving at home I found out, that there is no springform in the household. So I left the house again and went downtown to find a hardware-store. After I reached 72th street without any usefull store I toke the express-train north to walk the Broadway down from uptown. The moment I left the subway station I saw a big hardware-shop with a very friendly salesman. Five minutes later I had a re-usable pie-springform and some shoe-polish. Back at home I started my first american baker-experience:
I've to say that it was very very delicious to taste the filling. It was undescribable appetezingly. I made it with sugar, foul, cinnamon (Zimt) and thinly slided apples *mjam*
This was the situation before the 30 minutes in the gas oven:
And that's the result:
Well, I can't say how it tastes because I want to try it together with my roommate, who has birthday today but didn't showed up this day - not when I was at home, anyway. So I give her a last try tomorrow. If she's not there until I come back in the evening, I will eat it all alone - I'm really looking forward to it ;)
Earlier this day I went to the Museum of Modern Arts because every friday you can go in for free between 4pm and 8pm. But as I arrived at 5pm there was such a crowd in front of the entrance that I moved 180° right and went back to the city. The whole city was flooded by thousends of people with cameras, black-friday-shopping-bags, standing around on the sidewalks, the streets -just everywhere. It was horrible. So i decided to try two other locations which were mentioned in the book. One I will write about later, exactly when I used the thing I bought there, the second one was a small bookstore at 81th/Brdwy. It was filled over and over with used books. The room was as high as 2 floors and all walls were covered with books. Right at the entrance I saw J. R. R. Tolkin's book "The Return of the King". In the end I didn't bought, because I couldn't find the other two books from The Lord of the Rings. So I spent 8 bucks for The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. I think I should read a short description of the last mentioned book first because seems to be not that easy to read and understand it in english. But if I read everytime I'm pissed off of the people standing around in da hood I will get it *rofl*
Genieße dein Mahl :-)
lecker lecker...
würde ich eine einheimische Spezialität selber machen, müsste ich erst mal den Mülleimer einer Schlachterei durchwühlen (Haggis wird aus den "Resten" gemacht, erinnert an Kutteln).
Aber wir haben bereits Kaiserschmarrn selbstgemacht, zwar wenig erfolgreich, aber immerhin!
Spätzle haben hingegen besser geschmeckt, da wir besonders gut improvisiert haben!
Übrigens, super fototechnisch dokumentiert!
Na endlich!!! Das GRINSÖÖÖHN! XD GratZ zum Pie, aber wird der nicht ofenfrisch (warm) gegessen? *grübel* However, guat tust ausschaun ;)
Es war seeehr lecker :-9
@da bongo
Ja, normalerweise ofenwarm und mit Vanilleeis.
Wir hatten ihn gestern kalt, mit Vanilleeis und Schokokuchen. Als Vorspeise gab es Nudeln mit Erdnussbuttersoße (bzw. Pampe ^^) und dazu nen amerikanisches Bier. Ich schaetze mal so 3000kcal nur in den abendlichen 2 Stunden *hihi*
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