I'm really interested in what's going on on the market for automobiles in the US. The situation of the "Three Big" (GM, Ford, Chrysler) is very bad. I like one comment another reader wrote under one article: "The predicted volume for next year produced by the Three Big is about 16Mio cars. The demand is approximately at 11Mio cars. So the only logical way is that at most 2 can survive." Well, Chrysler probably will be out of money until end of this year. So either they get bought by another company or they or they go bankrupt. Some people say this will effect all other companies as well because in may cases they use the same supplieres. So the other two will go bankrupt, too. This is an argument for a bailout by he government. Because if they don't pay about $25Billion for the companies they have to pay much more for all the unemployed people and pension fonds etc. So in my eyes it's like: vom Regen in die Trauffe. Because if the government pays the money this month, they will have to pay some more during the following years. Although there's no garanty that despite they payed a lot of money the one or other company goes bankrupt. And if they don't pay the money it's the same. I don't think that all tree will go down. All have a more or less strong will to survive. Because the economy is really bad at the moment. So everybody, including the Union, will be motivated to aggree to any kind of compromise to survive....
Well, my own financial situation is not as bad as the one of the car-companies. But I agreed to some cutbacks. I try to survive with max. $5 a day for foot. that means no buying of coffee, foot or candies in the MBUSA-Cafeteria. No Starbucks-Coffee/Hot Chocolate, no Burger, Sandwiches etc from the street. Just hand-made ones - all the ingredients have to be bought in the cheapest grocerie-store on manhattan-island, of course ;)
I think it's possible to survive on this way. Next week I will look what i payed or foot on this week. That was my evening meal today:
It looks not that great because the plate is a bit to small but it was sooo delicious. I payed about $6 and it's all enough for about three days ;)
On the right side of the plate you see a glas. well, I have to confess that this is Martini (red) - the original one. I was in my favorite wine store and wanted to buy a bottle of great tasting red wine. Instead of this I saw russian vodka- reduced to $12 from $34 a litre. But I don't want to be drunk every evening (or can't be - depends on ;) ) so I walked thorugh the store and saw the 1l bottle Martini for about $8,50. I think this is a fair price for a fan like me. So I had an intalian meal this evening ^^
There ws some music in the underground, too. Maybe you remember these two guys. I walked through the subway station with maximum "Weezer" on my ears and although I could hear the great sound of this guys. Have fun :)
Please see the new links on the right side- the one about the one Going Under NYC is really funny :)
1 comment:
Da hast du dir aber eine zukunfstträchtige Branche ausgesucht, mein lieber Markus!
Aber, hätte ich die Möglichkeit, würde ich eventuell auch wieder auf den Zug aufspringen!
Was genau machst du eigentlich bei MBUSA?
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